How To: Maketh the Mojito


We all love a good cocktail and there is nothing better than a Mojito on a hot summers day. With fresh mint, lime, a splash of soda water and of course a dash of rum, this cocktail is an easy option for a summer bbq or pool party.


  • 20 fresh mint leaves (10 per glass)
  • 1 lime, cut into 8 wedges
  • 4 tablespoons caster sugar (2 each drink)
  • 2 cup ice cubes (cup per drink)
  • 2 shots of white rum
  • Soda water


Place mint leaves and 2 lime wedges into the glass. Crush the mint and lime to release the mint oil and juice from the lime. Add one more wedge with the sugar and crush the added lime.

Add add and pour in one shot of rum. Top up with Soda water.

Place an extra lime slice and mint leaf for garnishing.

Drink, drink and enjoy.


There you have it a real lime and mint Mojito. If you are feeling a little adventurous, puree a handfull of berries and add it to the mixture.


Divine Wanderer

Odyssey Rising

This week saw our latest collection Odyssey Rising officially released. Having shot Odyssey Rising in the extremely beautiful, wondrous natural playground of the Maldives, this weeks launch saw us reminiscing over warm tropical waters, white beaches and dreamy summer days. The campaign film says it all really, we are forever in love with chasing a never ending summer. The warmth, the light, sea breeze, salt water and tropical palms..are truly intoxicating.

Our love for the never ending summer was matched by our stunning inspiration and muse Margot Busheva. Her etherial yet exotic beauty became the perfect canvas for our designs. The collection symbolises our respect for nature and the inhabitants of this magnificent earth. With tropical prints, deep sea marine giants and ocean back drops, Odyssey Rising is only a hint of what is to come.

Odyssey_Campaign_4 Odyssey_Campaign_8

Odyssey_Campaign_10 ‘

Odyssey_Campaign_12 Odyssey_Campaign_17 Odyssey_Campaign_13 Odyssey_Campaign_14

Odyssey Rising

Direction: Jeremy Somers
Film Directed by Trevor king
Model: Margo Busheva
Makeup by Rachel Montgomery
Styling by Katinka Somers
Photographed by Sebastian Kriete
Jewellery by Vera Xane
Shot at Ayada Resort, Maldives

Musical Awesomeness Week

We’re so lucky this week with brand new full album releases from two of our favourites; The Black Keys and Chromeo.

Both releases are available to stream and buy on iTunes and, from what we’ve heard they are both so worth it.

The Black Keys release is their 8th and titles Turn Blue. The record, co-produced by Danger Mouse, contains 11 tracks ranging from bluesy, big-beat pop-rock tracks (“In Time”) to shimmery, soulful earworms (“Year in Review”). The album is their first full-length since the release of one of our favourite albums EVER (Gold on The Ceiling, anyone?!) 2011’s El Camino.
You can listen to the whole album streaming here.

Chromeo’s new album White Women, is their 4th and is every bit of disco-ey goodness you’d expect. Classic Chromeo. White Women features contributions from Vampire Weekend’s Ezra Koenig, Toro Y Moi, Solange, LCD Soundsystem’s Pat Mahoney, and Fool’s Gold duo Oliver.
You can listen to the whole album streaming here.

Africa, Out of Office

Whilst on our recent tour of Africa I wrote a little creative auto-reply for my email out of office which, everybody LOVED. After a few requests to put it up online for everyone to see, I’ve caved and posted it below… Enjoy!

SUBJECT: Well, this is hawkward

For the next couple of weeks I’ve dugong on annual leave.

Where I’ve gone is irrelephant, but toucan figure it out if you read between the lions.

I’ll check my emails sparrowatically, but mostly owl be giraffing through the wilderness.

Now, rhino this is unlike me but leopard me assure ewe I’ll get back to you af-ri-can and if time and internet connections permit.

I’ll be back on the 5th of may.

See you in a while, crocodile.

Be sure to follow our journey through our instagram pages and at our travel blog: Made With Summer



Loving the ocean as much as we do, we are always searching for the perfect surf spot on our travels around the world. With a little bit of research, knowledge and a call out to our followers on Instagram and Twitter, we have compiled a list of our favourite surf spots just for you.

Mentawai Islands


Look I cannot possibly narrow down a surf spot for Mentawai. Having a friend who runs a surf resort and charter from Bali to Mentawai, I get a constant stream of photos that are ever so envious. So lets just give a general shout out the Mentawai Islands for having a plethora of awesome reef breaks. Literally a surfers dream.



What would a surfing guide be without the Maldives? Beautiful scenery, white sand, crystal blue water, stunning marine life and epic waves. Whilst there are many amazing surf spots in the Maldives our favourite is Kandooma Right in North Male Atoll. With an exposed reef break and ideal winds rolling in from the west, Kandooma has been labelled a world class wave. Best thing about it? It is never crowded and if you get bored (highly unlikely) you can walk a few minutes and wave hop until your hearts content.



Maybe it’s because as a kid I watched The Endless Summer repeatedly, but G-Land is definitely up there. A left hand break, G-Land, also known as Plengkung Beach, is one of the most famous surf spots in the world. Surfed by the greats of our time; Kelly Slater, Taj Burrow, Tom Carroll, Andy Irons, this famous left hand break is a bucket list destination. Divided into several sections the waves can get anywhere up to 20 ft depending on the season.

Combine this with beautiful culture of Indonesia, island landscape and tropical coconuts and you are in our version of heaven.



Being one of the most recognisable breaks in Australia, they hold the Rip Curl Pro at Bells for a reason. One of the gems along the Torquay surf coast, with two breaks Rincon and The Bowl, Bells can swell at anywhere between 2-15ft. It may be cold and the water like ice in winter, but put on a 4’3 wetty and you are ready to go. Besides if its flat then you can body surf until your hearts content.



This list would not be THE LIST without mentioning Restaurants in Mamanucas Fiji. With its amazing swell, you must be kind to Restaurants because it will rip you to threads if you don’t treat it nicely. A distant off the ground left hand break, although often inconsistent, when the waves arrive they are too good to give up. Plus Fiji? Destination tropical bliss. When you aren’t surfing you can snorkel, dive, SUP or relax on the beach with a cocktail in hand. Sounds pretty good to me.

So there you have it. Our favourite surfing spots. We have literally only just scratched the surface of what could be an endless list. Now all we have to do is to grab our WAH inspired boards courtesy of Black Apache and hit the surf.


Divine Wanderer

Fountain of youth


Is not looking like a leathery lizard-face relevant to your interests? Then quit it with all that sun-worshiping.

At 18, I was immortal. My skin was dewy, and when I had a tan, flawless. All summer I would schedule my daily activities around one essential goal: to lie on the balcony, greased with baby oil at noon sharp, also known as prime tanning time. (In Canada the sun puts in a pretty poor effort, so it’s not as awful as it sounds). I also used to smoke, stay out all night and generally abuse my body. Immortality is just super, isn’t it?

Then one day, to my horror, I spotted a line running perpendicular to my mouth. I briefly considered never smiling again, but when I realised that was impossible, I decided it was time to look my mortality in the face and make sure my single wrinkle remained very lonely.

I started to obsessively slather myself with moisturiser and sun screen, I kicked my sun tanning habit, and since moving to Australia, (good hair be damned) I’ve even started wearing a hat. Over the years I’ve fine-tuned my sun protection regime so that it’s a near-perfect work of mastery, and last summer, my efforts were validated: I escaped the season without getting even the most delicate of sunburns. And now I’ll share all my secrets with you.


Hello. We all know this one. Put it on your face. Put it on your neck. Your hands. Your chest. Your shoulders. The tops of your feet before you put on your sandals. It can all be burned, and it will all get wrinkly if you’re not careful.

My favourite sunscreen for face is Dermaogica’s Super Sensitive Shield in SPF 30. I put it on under my make-up, and over my moisturiser. I usually let it soak in for a couple of minutes before putting on make-up or else the make-up slides off and disappears.

For body, I’ll use any SPF 30+ that’s hanging around the house, but I love Banana Boat Sensitive. It’s pretty water proof, seems to last all day and it doesn’t leave me feeling like I’ve been dipped in old deep-fryer oil. This is an important consideration when it’s 40 degrees out and no matter how slowly you move, sweat pours mercilessly from every inch of your body.


I remember when I worked in banking, a ridiculous doctor told me that I should wear a hat whenever I went outside, even when I was working. I could hardly contain my snorts of laughter as I imagined the nasty glances I would get from my colleagues for being so weird as to wear a hat with a suit. It was a moot point, because I worked such long hours I only saw the sun through tinted windows, but these days I spend quite a lot of time outside at playgrounds, so a hat is important, and happens to go much better with my outfits. Take it from me: quitting a finance job has endless happy outcomes.

People have teased me mercilessly about my giant raffia visor, but we’ll see who’s laughing when we’re all 80 and my face is as smooth as porcelain, and they look like iguana-people.

True story: my friend Colin had just finished making fun of my visor when a cool girl passed us and asked me where I got it. After I laughed at him, I forgave him his ignorance of cool sunhat trends. After all, he does live in London. What does he know about the sun?


I recently lost my treasured Gucci sunglasses in a move. They had transparent dusty rose frames, and were the perfect size for my face. I kept them in wiped down perfection in their hard shell case when I wasn’t wearing them, and now the creep who found them is reaping the benefits of seven years of careful maintenance.

This summer I kept thinking I’d find them, and anyway I couldn’t really afford to spend hundreds on new sunglasses (the only bad thing about quitting a finance job), so I thought I’d go without for a season. Worst idea ever. I found some new lines around my eyes and when I told my husband about them, he coldly informed me that he’s had crow’s feet since he was a teenager. Humph. He doesn’t wear sunglasses, so it serves him right.

I bit the bullet and bought some Marc by Marc Jacobs replacements, but nothing will ever fill the void left by my beautiful lost sunnies.

Cover up

Sun dresses are so cute, but crispy-burnt, sun-spotted shoulders are not. I have an awesome, soft chambray shirt that I put on over my sun dresses and tie at the waist. I like to think it makes me look wasp-waisted, but mainly I wear it to hide my shoulders from the sun.

Australia has made me so sun paranoid, I probably have a Vitamin D deficiency, but who cares about vitamins when you can look as immortal as you actually were when you were 18?

If you can’t live without a tan, check out this handy post on how to get the look without the skin cancer and wrinkles.

You can follow me on Twitter @cultofclothes

Vittoria X We Are Handsome


It’s no secret that we generally don’t function at WAH HQ without our coffee fix in the mornings. As the saying goes we need coffee to coffee our coffee coffee coffee…um yep that sounds about right. Combine this with a good meal and afternoon thirst quenching mineral water and it’s a pretty good day in the office.


It seems as though at this years Mercedes Benz Fashion Week our guests agreed with us. With all the fashionistas, designers, journalists, bloggers and photographers running around from show to show, a good coffee and mineral water from our friends over at Vittoria was a saving grace for many at our runway. What can I say? We like to spoil our guests!


In teaming up with Vittoria again this year, we designed a series of take away cups covered in our latest prints from the upcoming and popular collections. Not only did our guests get their coffee fix using their printed cups, they got to take home their very own We Are Handsome keep cup. We figured… you like coffee, we like coffee, we both love animal prints, lets combine the two loves and make magic. A kind of WAH keepsake.


Generally with the busy lives we lead, constant hustle and bustle going on, most people are like ‘Hey just stop and smell the roses every once in while’…roses?? I think i’d prefer to stop and smell the coffee. Ain’t nothing like it.

You can follow our friends over at Vittoria by checking out their website, FB PAGE and Instagram @santa_vittoria. Don’t forget to follow our new Instagram feed @wearehandsomeswimwear for daily updates and behind the scenes action at We Are Handsome.

Divine Wanderer

Erika Rivera | A Handsome Rendition



The very talented illustrator ad creative Erika Rivera has created an amazing rendition of her favourite pieces from our Handsome collections. We caught up with Erika and she told us all about her love for drawing, illustration, design and everything beautiful.

We adore your renditions of our swimwear. Tell us a bit about yourself. Where are you from and what is your background?

Well, I’m originally form San Diego, California where I went to school at FIDM for Product Development. I recently moved to Syracuse, New York to be with my soon to be husband. Moving from the West Coast to the East Coast was a huge change for me especially climate wise. This was going to be my first winter ever I I’m glad to say I’m still alive. Since moving I have really focused on the basic skills for my drawings. During winter I stayed inside most days due to the winter but I found it as a blessing in disguise. I was able to sit down and draw until my little heart was content. I’ve always loved fashion and my friends would always want to pick an outfit for them.

Since I wanted to do something with my fashion background I knew drawing illustrations would be perfect. I get to look at outfits pieced together by bloggers, runway shows, and many brands on the market. I decided illustrating was my way to express myself and put a fun spin on clothes. I get excited whenever a new project lines up because I’m able to share my passion with others. Plus, I love getting the client’s reaction once they receive the final product.

Many artists draw on the elements that surround them for creativity, what are some of your inspirations?

For me to be inspired it starts with a simple walk outside. Just taking in a breath of fresh air gets my wheels going. I try to take in as much nature that surrounds me and then I find that my mind starts creating. Another way I get inspired is to be by the beach. When I was in San Diego the beach was my safe haven from anything that was happening in life. I loved listening to the waves, feeling the sand, and that powerful sun. Even imagining that I’m there will do. Then I start sketching and figuring out the movement of a garment when looking at photos. Earth is my muse.


When did you first discover you had this creative talent? What made you pursue this?

The very first time I found myself intrigued with art was 3rd grade. We had to draw a picture of a how to get out of a house fire safely. My picture won throughout all the elementary schools and got recognition from the local fire department. This was a huge deal to me. Once I found my creative side I never wanted it to disperse. My dad is very creative and an amazing artist. He would draw my brother and I like it was second nature. He tells me I get my artistic side from him. I definitely agree. As I got older I started getting into clothes and fell in love with the concept of creating yourself from the outside. I was always checking out what the classic pieces were to have in a wardrobe and what to wear during the seasons. Whenever I would go shopping my dad would always be there. He has a lot to do with my artistry. Overall my family was behind my every decision.

How has social and digital media helped you to share your talent? How important has this been?

Oh my gosh!! Big time!! Social media is the main reason I’m able to share my fashion illustrations with the world. Instagram is my biggest help to show what I do. Being able to reach other all over is completely incredible. I’m very blessed to live during a time where technology is mainstream. I love having access to reach out to people in the palm of my hand. Literally. There is a massive support team through social media and reading the positive feedback touches my heart. I also stumble upon other artists and its life a family reunion where you have no idea who anyone is but can connect so easily with them. When I met new artists from any industry I embrace them. And stay connected is so important! I mean we have no excuse to send a thank you or a hello to someone anymore. I’m very thankful to have social media in my life. Sometimes I do need to put the phone down though and be present.


Do you have a favourite artist? If so who and why?

I would have to say Karl Lagerfeld and Stella McCarthy. Karl Lagerfeld has revamped Chanel and added a modern spin on every collection. I never get bored with anything he gets his hands on. He will mix the timeless classics with an unexpected twist. And come on, everyone loves a great plot twist to a story. Now Stella McCarthy perfectly captures what a women is all about…Confidence. The simplicity and femininity of her garments are flawless. You’re able to use a coat from a past collection and pair it with a blouse from her 2014 summer collection. She never misses a beat. I would love to wear everything she’s created.

Where to from here? What big plans do you have in the mix?

Well, I’m going to continue practicing everyday. I want to make sure I’m persistent in enhancing the basics of my skills. I want to work with other brands, designers, and fashion bloggers to create illustrations that will be very special. When I make my place in this fashion world I would be thrilled to work with magazines and have my illustrations hanging up in a museum one day. Could you imagine!? I want to show girls that dreams can come true with hard work and never saying No! Collaborating is what I love doing. I want to create, inspire, and imagine everyday.


From all of your renditions of We Are Handsome (all are amazing) which one was your favourite to sketch and why?

My favorite rendition to sketch was the Landing Scoop one piece that shows the backside. I usually illustrate forward and three-quarter poses but this backside is my favorite. It’s playful, sexy, and fun. The colors of that swimsuit were my favorite. The way the plane is about to land with the palm tress around it reminds me of home. You can pair this one piece with a fabulous floppy hat and look stunning by the poolside, beach, or relaxing in a hammock.

If you had to choose one print/design to wear from our latest collection what would it be and why?

Hands down the Aloha string bikini. Love the colors, print, and everything about it! I’m a bikini kind of gal and this screams Erika! It would be perfect for my honeymoon coming up in a month. Plus, I think my fiancée would love to see my strutting my stuff in this little number. Incredible!

How can we find and follow you?

My coming along website:

Follow me on Instagram: @erikalynnrivera


Make me up


I often consider make-up a good investment. I have my reasons. I am not a morning person at the best of times, scratch that, I am not a morning person at all. So when I have to get up early, its unavoidable that I wake up with dark circles under my eyes and that not quite coherent look on my face.

A good make-up can fix all my worries and have me transformed from half asleep to wide awake in no time. An application of mineral powder, a layer of mascara and a pop of colour on my lips and I am ready to go. Without a doubt I on a daily basis, including those early mornings, Maybelline NY has my back. Trustworthy, old faithful.

Continue reading


AU 6 8 10 12
USA 2 4 6 8
EUROPE 34 36 38 40
UK 8 10 12 14
AU 8-10 12-14
USA 4-6 8-10
EUROPE 36-38 40-42
UK 8-10 12-14
Measurements are in centimetres, are approximate only and may vary. XS / 6 S / 8 M / 10 L / 12
BUST 79 84 89 94
UNDERBUST 55.20 60 64.8 69.60
WAIST 52 57 62 67
HIGH HIP (10CM Above Waist) 77 82 87 92
LOW HIP (10CM Below Waist) 89 94.2 103.20 104


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395 Beethoven St
Los Angeles, CA  90066

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    •You must notify WE ARE HANDSOME within 7 calendar days of accepting delivery of the order AND arrange return of the item/s within 7 calendar days after receiving our email authorizing the return.


    • •To notify WE ARE HANDSOME, email your proof of purchase, being an invoice or email confirmation from WE ARE HANDSOME, to our customer service team at



    •All SALE purchases are final and cannot be returned (including exchanges, credit notes and refunds). We kindly ask that you carefully consider your items before purchasing. Sale returns will only be accepted if the merchandise is faulty or wrongly described.


    •During sale periods where a discount code is used, any orders placed prior to the start time of the sale will not be eligible for the discount. This includes the current sale 10TH Birthday Sale.


    • •Item/s must be unworn, unwashed and in the original sellable condition. All labels, packaging and hygiene stickers must be attached and in their original condition.
      •       Please make sure that swimwear is tried on over your own underwear. In the interests of hygiene, we may refuse returns of items where it’s obvious that this hasn’t been done.


    •Customers are responsible for organising the shipment of returns including the cost to send the return back to us. WE ARE HANDSOME is not responsible for the shipment of returns and will not replace or process a return that is lost during shipment. We recommend shipping returns through a tracked service.


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  • All sale purchases are final and cannot be returned (including exchanges, credit notes and refunds). We kindly ask that you carefully consider your items before purchasing. Sale returns will only be accepted if the merchandise is faulty or wrongly described.


  • During sale periods where a discount code is used, any orders placed prior to the start time of the sale will not be eligible for the discount. THIS INCLUDES CURRENT SALE: 10TH Birthday Sale


  • Item/s must be unworn, unwashed and in the original sellable condition. All labels, packaging and hygiene stickers must be attached and in their original condition.


  • Customers are responsible for organising the shipment of returns including the cost to send the return back to us. WE ARE HANDSOME is not responsible for the shipment of returns and will not replace or process a return that is lost during shipment. We recommend shipping returns through a tracked service.


  • It is not the responsibility of WE ARE HANDSOME to pay or reimburse customers for any government import fees, taxes and/or charges that may be applied to orders. It is the responsibility of customers to be aware of and pay any such costs that their country may apply to imported goods.


  • Refunds are made to the credit card that was used to make the original purchase and are for the cost of items only. Shipping costs will not be refunded. Please allow 7 business days for the refund transaction to be completed back onto your card. We will contact you via the email address listed on your order when the refund has taken place.


  • For exchanges, we will require a shipping payment to be made prior to re-shipment. We will request this payment from you via PayPal. The charges are as follows:
    • USA Domestic $10
    • International Express $15 (International costs will be in the relevant currency)


  • Due to the select nature of our product, we cannot guarantee the availability of merchandise for exchanges


  • Once your return order has been received your order will be processed within 7 business days. During holiday periods/sale seasons it may take longer.


  • We do not accept returns from purchases made through our stockists. We can only process returns on purchases that were processed through our e-boutique.


  • Stock quantities are not updated in real time, and therefore occasionally an item may be sold out at time of purchase. If you purchase an item that is sold out, you will be notified by email as soon as possible and offered a suitable replacement or full refund.


  • Delivery delays may occur during high volume and peak periods or due to unforeseen reasons. During these times, please allow an additional 7 business days for your order to be delivered. Russian/ South African customers may need more patience by reason of the local delivery system and customs­­.





The best way to get in touch is via our website contact form or by sending an email to
We’ll get back to you as soon as we can – we promise.


Don’t fret, handsome one! Right now our customer service takes place on Monday and Thursday every week.
If you’ve emailed us outside of these days we’ll get back to you on the next available Monday or Thursday – we promise!


Yes – just log into your account and you can see the status of your order!
Click HERE to log in.


Yes, we deliver to business addresses. We cannot, however deliver to PO boxes. This address cannot be changed once the item has been dispatched.


If your package is taking longer than you expect, please email us at and will endeavour to track down your package for you.


Please read our Returns Policy on our website here – 

Returns & Exchanges

Please read our Returns Policy on our website here – 

*Please note Returns & Exchanges are not applicable to Sale Items. This includes the current 50% off sale: 10TH Birthday Sale

Conditions of Return/Exchange

Please read our Returns Policy on our website here –


Our prices are automatically determined by your location and are set to the relevant currency that you will be charged in.

  • Australia: AUD
  • United Kingdom: GBP
  • European Union: EUR
  • USA/Rest of World: USD

Our website settles into USD from your creditcard.


If you are looking for a specific style and our website shows we are sold out, please email us at . We can tell you whether we have any more stock available – or when we will and if any of stockists might have what you’re looking for.


We do our best to get your order correct the first time around, but mistakes do happen occasionally!

If the order you received is incorrect – please email and we will ensure you receive the correct order as soon as possible.


Rest assured that your personal details are completely secure with us. We do not share, sell or distribute customer information

We store any personal information that you give to us securely, using high-level SSL encryption technology. You will notice that the URL prefix (located in your address bar) will change from the standard http:// to secure https:// – this means you are in a secure mode.


At WE ARE HANDSOME we make sure that our sizing is in conjunction with Australian sizing standards. This being said, please note that each and every designer does vary.

You can see the sizing chart on each product page or on our website here – .
We offer many styles in different shapes and cuts, please take the size guide as a guide only.


If you are having any trouble at all with your promotional code, please email us straight away at and we’ll look into it for you.

Note that during sale times, other promotional codes and gift certificates cannot be used in conjunction with the sale code.


We accept Visa, Mastercard and American Express. Please note that there is a 2.5% charge on American express. We do not accept direct debits.


Although our garments may make you feel invincible, the swimsuit itself is rather delicate.

Make sure you follow these easy steps to make sure your piece of We Are Handsome stays with you forever!

  • Use a mild detergent while hand washing it separately in cold water.
  • Pretty please don’t tumble dry, wring, soak or bleach your garment (that’s just cruel), it’s best to let it dry in the shade.
  • Try not to leave it rolled up and wet, make sure you rinse it really well after each use, especially if you’re spending a lot of time frolicking in an infinity pool – or a non-infinity pool for that matter!
  • Please don’t iron or dry-clean it.
  • Also, try to stay away from rough surfaces as it could cause pilling, and we all know that is not a good look.


Privacy, Terms & Conditions

It is your responsibility to read and familiarise yourself with the WE ARE HANDSOME Privacy Policy. To do this, go to the CUSTOMER CARE page and click on the provided link.

This Privacy Statement applies to all personal information collected by WE ARE HANDSOME via the internet, including without limitation, by way of the WE ARE HANDSOME website located at  WWW.WEAREHANDSOME.COM

WE ARE HANDSOME recognizes the importance of protecting the privacy of our client’s personal and financial information and acts in accordance with this recognition. As a result, WE ARE HANDSOME has instituted strict policies regarding your privacy. Information provided at the time of registration or submission will not be used for any unsolicited communication, unless you provide your consent. When you register with WE ARE HANDSOME you give us your consent to treat your personal data in accordance with this online privacy policy and for the purposes described below.

What WE ARE HANDSOME collect

In order to provide our clients with the service they deserve WE ARE HANDSOME collects the information that our clients give us. This may include personal information given to us by you when you fill in questionnaires, contact forms or other sections of the WE ARE HANDSOME website or when you post or input information to the WE ARE HANDSOME website; and about how you use the WE ARE HANDSOME website.

We study our clients’ and visitors’ use of our website so we can improve our services and enhance your WE ARE HANDSOME experience. When you register with WE ARE HANDSOME, you give us your name and email address. WE ARE HANDSOME does not collect personally identifiable information from anyone under the age of thirteen. If you are under thirteen, please ask your parents to register or exit this website.

How WE ARE HANDSOME use the information you provide

If you give us your name and email address, we may contact you by email with special information about WE ARE HANDSOME and our products. We only communicate with you by email if we have your permission. Otherwise, we use your information only to provide our clients with a better service experience and ensure that partners, our affiliates and we maintain and improve services to our clients. WE ARE HANDSOME will not otherwise use or disclose any information about you without your consent, unless:

Will WE ARE HANDSOME share your information with other entities?

WE ARE HANDSOME does not sell or rent our client’s names, addresses, email addresses or other personal information. In order to maintain our website and enhance our client communications, WE ARE HANDSOME contracts with selected third parties. As necessary, your personal information may be shared with these third parties, solely for the purpose of assisting WE ARE HANDSOME in these endeavours and subject to strict contractual confidentiality obligations. WE ARE HANDSOME will not otherwise use or disclose any information about you without your consent, unless: the use or disclosure is for one of the purposes described in or otherwise permitted by this policy; the use or disclosure is required or permitted by law; we believe it necessary to provide you with a service which you have requested; we believe it necessary to protect the rights, property or personal safety of another person or WE ARE HANDSOME; or the assets or operations of WE ARE HANDSOME’S business are transferred to third party.

If you do not provide requested information, WE ARE HANDSOME may not be able to provide you with access.


WE ARE HANDSOME will take reasonable steps to protect the personal information it holds from misuse and loss and from unauthorized access, modification or disclosure and to make sure that the personal information it collects, uses or discloses is accurate, complete and up-to-date. WE ARE HANDSOME uses appropriate security measures to protect the information you give us. While we take stringent measures to protect our website and all information, you should be aware that no internet data transmission can be guaranteed to be 100% secure from access by unintended recipients. WE ARE HANDSOME will not be responsible for events arising from unauthorized access to your personal information.

Use of this Website

You will be required to register to use some of the features on this Site. We may change registration requirements from time to time and without notice. When you register, you are required to provide information about yourself that is true, accurate, current and complete in all respects. Should any of your this information change, please notify us immediately at the following e-mail address


You must comply with all proprietary and copyright notices on this Site. This Website is owned by WE ARE HANDSOME and its associates, and subject to copyright.

Your Activity

You use this Site at your sole risk. You agree that you will be personally responsible for your use of this Site and for all of your communication and activity on this Site. We reserve the right to deny you access to this Site, or any part of this Site, at any time without notice. If we determine, in our sole discretion, that you engaged in prohibited activities, were not respectful of other users, or otherwise violated the TOS, we may deny you access to this Site on a temporary or permanent basis and any decision to do so is final.

Links and Third Party Representation on this Website

WE ARE HANDSOME holds no liability or warranties for any other website that you may have access through this Site.

WE ARE HANDSOME has no control over content that may be publish on Other Websites that are linked to WEAREHANDSOME.COM and the accuracy of information published on the Other Website.

WE ARE HANDSOME is not liable to you or any other person for any direct, indirect, special or other consequential damages arising out of any use of this Site, the use of any other linked website, the use of any Other Website or any Third Party Posted Material.


  • You must notify WE ARE HANDSOME within 7 calendar days of accepting delivery of the order AND arrange return of the item/s within 7 calendar days after receiving our email authorizing the return.


  • To notify WE ARE HANDSOME, email your proof of purchase, being an invoice or email confirmation from WE ARE HANDSOME, to our customer service team at .


  • All sale purchases are final and cannot be returned (including exchanges, credit notes and refunds). We kindly ask that you carefully consider your items before purchasing. Sale returns will only be accepted if the merchandise is faulty or wrongly described.


  • During sale periods where a discount code is used, any orders placed prior to the start time of the sale will not be eligible for the discount. THIS INCLUDES CURRENT SALE: 10TH Birthday Sale


  • Item/s must be unworn, unwashed and in the original sellable condition. All labels, packaging and hygiene stickers must be attached and in their original condition.


  • Customers are responsible for organising the shipment of returns including the cost to send the return back to us. WE ARE HANDSOME is not responsible for the shipment of returns and will not replace or process a return that is lost during shipment. We recommend shipping returns through a tracked service.


  • It is not the responsibility of WE ARE HANDSOME to pay or reimburse customers for any government import fees, taxes and/or charges that may be applied to orders. It is the responsibility of customers to be aware of and pay any such costs that their country may apply to imported goods.


  • Refunds are made to the credit card that was used to make the original purchase and are for the cost of items only. Shipping costs will not be refunded. Please allow 7 business days for the refund transaction to be completed back onto your card. We will contact you via the email address listed on your order when the refund has taken place.


  • For exchanges, we will require a shipping payment to be made prior to re-shipment. We will request this payment from you via PayPal. The charges are as follows:
    • USA Domestic $10
    • International Express $15 (International costs will be in the relevant currency)


  • Due to the select nature of our product, we cannot guarantee the availability of merchandise for exchanges


  • Once your return order has been received your order will be processed within 7 business days. During holiday periods/sale seasons it may take longer.


  • We do not accept returns from purchases made through our stockists. We can only process returns on purchases that were processed through our e-boutique.


  • Stock quantities are not updated in real time, and therefore occasionally an item may be sold out at time of purchase. If you purchase an item that is sold out, you will be notified by email as soon as possible and offered a suitable replacement or full refund.


  • Delivery delays may occur during high volume and peak periods or due to unforeseen reasons. During these times, please allow an additional 7 business days for your order to be delivered. Russian/ South African customers may need more patience by reason of the local delivery system and customs­­.