Social media superstar and fitness advocate Sjana Elise Earp, from the Gold Coast of Australia, shares with us what it is to live an active, healthy and inspiring lifestyle. Sjana brought the energy she radiates everyday into modelling our activewear at Mercedes Benz Fashion Week, completely capturing what We Are Handsome is all about – summertime vibes, fitspiration and all round fun.

What inspired you to start being active/to be an athlete?
I am very blessed, as I actually grew up in a family that were sport lovers and both my parents were very fit/athletic and both of my older brothers and myself have inherited their same adoration for movement, exercise and health! I have done a lot of sport since I can even remember! I remember in primary school I used to wake up at 4:30am, go swimming for two hours before school, then often get picked up during lunchtime to go to a private lessons or sport, then back to school, then after school I would have gymnastics, surf life saving, athletics, netball or swimming again.. and I LOVED IT! I am so so grateful for having parents that supported us kids in our sporting gifts.. It meant I was able to grow in my chosen sports and perform at a very high/competitive and elite level in a lot of things.. Which I truly believe is such an incredible gift to give any child!

What do you love most about this lifestyle?
The feeling of health and wellness.. It’s like your body is constantly fresh and vibrant!
What is a normal day like for you?
Every day is different..
I usually like to get up for sunrise (my favourite part of the day!), and then depending on what priorities, appointments or tasks I have I will shape my day around those.. I try to incorporate yoga, allocate time for preparing healthy, fresh meals, personal development, family time, work and as much adventure as I can!
How do you balance your time?
I figure out my priorities, and then get them done.. I’m a list person, so whether it be mentally or literally, I’m constantly crossing things off lists and getting things done!

What is your favourite work out?
My favourite workout is always incidental! The kind of workout that you have when you are playing with friends, surfing for hours on end, adventuring through a rainforest to find a waterfall or bike riding to a new place.. I thing exercise should be all about doing good for your body because you love it, not punishing it because you hate it.
What is your best beauty tip?

What do you eat on an average day?
I don’t follow any kind of “diet” and certainly don’t give myself any restrictions.. I prefer to maintain as much of a healthy relationship with food as I possible can by eating what my body tells me it needs. I listen to my body, and am quite in sync with it.. I eat according to the cravings my body gives me and find this is the best/healthiest way to be 🙂
Favourite work out music/song?
Anything fun and energetic! Something I can dance to!
Your favourite thing to do when you are not working out?
Beach! I think I was meant to be a mermaid!

Favourite place you have travelled to?
The Bahamas.. SO FAR! I plan on continuing my travels for as long as I can and experiencing as much as possible! I’ll let you know when my current answer changes 😉
Dream place you’d like to travel to?
HAWAII! I feel like I’ll never come home If I ever go!
Fitness goal you dream to reach?
To maintain a body that not only enables me to explore, play and engage in as much fun and energetic activities as possible, but a body that feels strong, powerful and healthy. I give myself constant goals such as half marathons or new yoga postures and I love challenging myself to do these.. But the ultimate, long term goal is to continue to maintain a strong body that best allows me LIVE not just survive..

How do you see your future?
I try my best to live in the moment.. I believe that everything happens for a reason, , and I have a general direction I wish to head and goals I would like to achieve, but I am more than open to new opportunities and any unexpected pathways that may present along the way! As long as I am constantly helping others, spreading happiness and self developing than I am more than okay to end up wherever life takes me!
What are 3 things you can’t live without?
My family! (family is everything to me)
Salt & Sunshine
Your favourite photo you ever took?
My favourite photo is a photo I had a girlfriend take for me when I was in the Maldives.. It was a photo of me laying down on the Maldivian white sand, with the shadow of a palm tree frond perfectly placed on my back resembling a spine.. the photo went viral and Candice Swanepoel even reposted it on her instagram! The actual image was just a simple iPhone photo, and I wish it was taken on a proper DSLR but I’m more proud of the creativity behind the image haha

You can keep up with Sjana and her happy and active lifestlye on her Instagram @sjanaelise, on Twitter @sjanaearp or check out her blog SMYLE, giving everyone updates on the Secrets to Make Your Life Exceptional!