For Ashley Freeman, it’s all about infecting the world with her love for fitness and her desire to help others follow in her tracks of making good lifestyle choices. At We Are Handsome, we fully support this healthy outlook and couldn’t have been more excited about working with Ashley who was looking toned, tanned fit and ready in our activewear showcase; a true WAH health, fun and fitness advocate!

What inspired you to start being active/to be an athlete?
For me, being active is my way of life. I grew up on the Sydney beaches playing every sport I could and I was always outside. Movement, exercise and challenging my body is an essential ingredient to me when it comes to leading a happy life.
What do you love most about this lifestyle?
I love feeling confident and strong. I love feeling comfortable and supported in my own skin. When I’m eating well, exercising regularly, spending a lot of time outdoors and am surrounded by my loved ones I feel incredibley empowered and ready to take on the world.

What is a normal day like for you?
It changes all the time! I’ve just moved to Byron Bay and have a lot of travel coming up this year so right now I’m settling in, focusing on new business ventures and letting the next chapter of my life unfold organically.
How do you balance your time?
Getting my 8 hours sleep and waking up early is essential. I find I can fit so much more in and I find I am more productive in the first half of the day. I live with my partner in an area that inspires me to be outdoors exercising, and also is a hub for healthy/organic produce and natural remedies. I am constantly learning and inspired. Most of all I never bite off more than I can chew. I know myself now and I am easily overwhelmed. I’ve learnt not to rush and to see things through properly.
What is your favourite work out?
I love doing circuit workouts with my kettle bells, battle rope, TRX, skipping rope and anything I can use outdoors eg; chairs, tables, steps. At the moment I love doing 500 rep challenges. I choose 10 exercises which are even between upper body, lower body and core. I do 10 reps of each of the exercises as fast as I can (Hence 100 reps), then take a break and repeat this 4 more times.

What is your best beauty tip?
Vitamin D, natural oils, diving into the ocean, drinking lots of water, getting your blood pumping every day and eating well.
What do you eat on an average day?
I’m a creature of habit. At the moment I’m having oats with blueberries and banana every morning. My lunches and dinners are fairly similar. Alot of fish, in particular salmon, barramundi, tuna and swordfish with a big, fresh, healthy salad. During the day I’ll snack on fruit, protein bars, tuna cans, carrot and hummus etc.
Favourite work out music/song?
I’m pretty out of date with music! I think the last album I was listening to during a workout was 50 Cent! I generally just workout outdoors or at the beach and enjoy using this time to think.

Your favourite thing to do when you are not working out?
Spend time outdoors and with my loved ones.
Favourite place you have travelled to?
I can’t answer this question. There are too many places! I’m definitely a warm climate girl though, I don’t deal well with the cold, hence me always leaving haha.
Dream place you’d like to travel to?
Still yet to tick off Hawaii! There are some very powerful places in those islands I’m dying to explore. Hopefully next year!
Fitness goal you dream to reach?
I don’t really have any goals. My only goal is to be happy and healthy. Although I’d love to complete an ultra marathon one day and also a triathlon.

How do you see your future?
Healthy, happy, in love, kids, travelling, blogging, laughing, outdoors, never letting age be an excuse.
What are 3 things you can’t live without?
Sun, the ocean, my loved ones.
Your favourite photo you ever took?
I LOVE SUNRISE/SUNSET PHOTOS. Coud take them forever. I also love taking photos of my friends and family.

Catch Ashley and keep updated on her Instagram @ashleymfreeman and have a look at her fabulous blog She Runs With The Wind to follow Ashley’s advice on health and wellbeing, find great recipes, exercises and beauty tips – or, to get right amongst it, join in on her YouTube channel for some awesome workout routines you can do from home!