Photographer: Luke Carter Stylist: Mel Norris MUA/Hair: Jessica Chapman Model: Ellen @ Vivien's Model Management
After much anticipation we are super excited and proud to present the fifth installment of The Handsome Project! This is the first Handsome Project for 2011 so keep an eye out for more wonderful projects to come! The Handsome Project features young photographers who blow our mind, shoot our stuff and are all together fantastic. Read on to see the rest of Luke’s WAH photoshoot and interview!
Interview with Luke Carter
How did you get to here?
I am originally from a small country town in South Australia, but only made the move to Sydney in 2009. I did Photography in my final year of high school, but it really took off when I began to travel. After being accepted to a college in Sydney I took the leap and here I am.
Tell us a bit about your studies.
Self taught until 2010. I am currently undergoing my second year of a three-year degree, majoring in Photography.
When did you decide photography was something you just had to do?
Photography was always an interest, but after travelling abroad I knew it was something that I wanted to pursue.
Favourite photograph?
It changes so often, but one of my favourite’s would be The ‘Afghan Girl’ by Steve Mcurry. The Annie Leibovitz series from Disney’s ‘Year of a Million Dreams’ is up there also.
Favourite photographer?
I would have to say Miles Aldridge, but the list is endless. Annie Leibovitz, Georges Antoni, David LaChapelle and Mario Testino are also a few of my favourites.

Describe your photographic approach.
I have a simplistic raw approach to my photography. I don’t like overcrowding or making my images too complex. Clean, crisp and sharp would sum it up.
How do you decide on locations and subjects for your shoots?
Don’t get me started on locations! It usually it involves hours of research on the internet, multiple viewings and test shoots before final locations are selected. Once I have found the locations it is a lot easier getting the right subjects for the shoot.

Is there a shoot you’re most proud of?
It would have to be one of my more recent shoots. A lot of planning went into the creation this particular shoot. It is titled ‘Dérangé’, meaning The Deranged. The concept played on an overly dressed central female character in a somewhat dazed or deranged state of mind. Multiple locations were used, which helped create a story line of a housewife going about her daily routine.
Do you prefer film or digital? Why?
Definitely digital all the way! I love film images but I definitely need some more practice. I also like to work my images in post-production, digital makes this a lot quicker and easier.
Favourite camera?
I would have to say my Nikon D300s. It’s gotten me through the good times and the bad. I also love my vintage Polaroid SX-70.
Studio or on-location?
Location… It’s a lot more fun, if the weather is good.
Black & white or colour?
That’s a hard one. Black & white and colour each have their own place within photography! If I had to choose it would be colour only because I love to play on different tonal ranges in my photography.
Recall the earliest memory you have of taking your first picture. What was it?
I don’t recall my earliest memory of taking my first picture. But I do remember that my older sister gave me my first film camera when I was a child. I’ve been told that I went through quite a few rolls of film that week.
Where would your ultimate dream location be to shoot and why?
New York City! I have always had an obsession with New York and to be able to shoot there one day would be amazing. I love the idea of a night shoot, surrounded by neon signs and structured surroundings.
What keeps you enthused in the photography industry?
My family and friends, new seasons trends and other enthused people. Also knowing that my photography will only get better as I continue to photograph!

How did you come up with the concept behind your Handsome Project shoot?
It was a joint collaboration between the stylist and myself. We wanted to create something that was quite simple yet raw. She knew of the location which suited the style of the shoot perfectly.
What makes you want to capture a particular image?
Light, composition, the unusual and beautiful subjects all play a role in making me want to capture particular images. For myself it is usually something that strikes me so much that makes me want to record that particular moment in time.
Describe a good or bad memorable experience you encountered during a shoot.
Bad… When a model did not turn up for a shoot, I don’t think there is anything worse than that. Good…. when the weather is awesome on location shoots and every one on the team gives their best!
What was your fallback career option if photography didn’t work out?
I actually began a degree in Marketing and International Relations before changing to photography. So I could always go back to that! Pfft…. Not!
What do your friends and family think of your photography?
My family and friends love seeing my new work. They are all very supportive and give me a lot of encouragement.
Where to next?
Big places! Sydney will be my home for the next few years but watch out London, New York and Paris!
We Are Handsome would like to congratulate and thank Luke Carter and his team for creating an awesome shoot!
Email: carter_lj@hotmail.com
Website: www.lukejasoncarter.com